Thursday, September 20, 2007

OKC Bound

My flight leaves at 9:00. I'm finishing up work for the day and then heading home to finish up the last minute packing. Mom and Dad are bringing over Jackeeno's pizza for supper and Megan is coming too. It will give us all the chance to talk about Grandpa's care over the next 10 days.

Mmmmmmmmm. Now all I can think about is Jackeeno's. How does one type out that sound that Homer makes when he thinks about something yummy? You know. The one where he tilts his head back a little and drool drips out the side of his mouth? It's like a gurgle/moan. Austin - get on this, this is your domain. Report back with an answer. I may need it in the future.

Like I told Heidi today in an e-mail, I've been distracted at best and bordering on non-productive. It's hard to focus. I keep thinking of little things I need to do before I leave. And now that I can actually count down the hours until I see Zac, the waiting is ever more burdensome. I'm not sure that I'll be able to blog while I'm down there, but I might get the chance to pop my head in every now and again.

I get to see my boy!!! :-)

1 comment:

Austin Gorton said...

Sadly I must admit my failure. I have never encountered any written representation of Homer's drooling/gurggling/salivating noise.

I can tell you that in the scripts, d'oh is written as "(annoyed grunt)" and that while "doh" was recently added to the dictionary with the assumed meaning from the show, it cannot be spelled as "d'oh" as that version is trademarked by the Simpsons Empire.

Hopefully that bit of inane trivia makes up for my failure...