Friday, July 4, 2008

The Rainy Season is not a misnomer

So far the weather has been about 75% rain, if you include the overnights. Actually, it's probably higher. It has rained all night each night. It's great for sleeping. Very relaxing. I suppose this is very similar to a lot of other warm tropical climates. It can be sunny one minute, pouring the next. But it's nice and warm, so it's not too bad. I've given up on attempting to style my hair though. Thank you humidity.

We're packing up to go to a beach-side resort. We'll be there until tomorrow. We'll see how I do with the ocean. I'm a fresh-water lake kind of girl. (Really not even a lake girl - there are scary, icky things in lakes too.) We'll do some hiking today too. I'm frustrated that I forgot my camera battery charger at home, so I'm concerned that at any time my camera is going to die on me. That would be crummy. So there is a distinct possibility that I will emerge from El Sal with only a few photos of the view from Zac's apartment. Hopefully if I'm smart I will be able to ration the power and get at least a few photos today and tomorrow.

Zac is happy to see me. He took me by the base on the way to his apartment when I arrived. Met Commander Groves, Doc, MA1, GM2 and a handful of other people who, up til now, have been just names mentioned in Zac's work stories. It was nice to put some faces and personalities to the names. They seem like a decent bunch. An extended family of people you like and don't like, but have to interact and work with. We'll be spending some time with them again tomorrow (Saturday) when we get back. It sounds like we're going to all go out to dinner together.

Speaking of dinner, Zac and I went out last night to a Benihana for supper. (A Japanese steak house where they slice and dice and cook in front of you.) We were seated at a table by ourselves until three young guys were seated next to us. And they were reading the menus in English! Hooray! So we had a very enjoyable night talking to these three kids (they were in their early 20s). All three live in New Orleans, tho one of them was born and raised in El Salvador til he was 14. He's been in the States since then. They're on a three week vacation down here. I think they were happy to joke around with us for the evening, especially the two white kids who didn't speak Spanish like me.

Time to head out for the coast. Hopefully the clouds that are here this morning will burn off when the sun gets a little higher, but, of course, rain is always going to happen. It is the rainy season, after all.

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